Slices of Time

Posts tagged with love

  1. Love in Salvador

    2016-03-12 03:18:00 UTC

    The Lover’s Embrace Creamy skies of blue and golden sands inspired our flight to Salvador from Sao Paulo. The winter we yearned to leave behind in Canada was echoed through the murky, cloudy weather of Southern Brazil and we felt the energy of life, dance and sun coming from the…

  2. The Black Taj Mahal

    2014-11-28 16:48:31 UTC

    The Taj. There are fewer things in the world harder to photograph than the Taj Mahal. Everyone knows what it looks like, and everyone’s seen this photo: The classic Taj shot. It’s ubiquitous, and it pervades culture throughout the world. So on the weary morning ride I was fretting about…

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